Art, etc.


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For twenty years, until my hands and wrists gave out, I was a potter. Though I had ten or so galleries scattered acrossed the U.S.A. I also did the show circuit here in Washington State and Alaska.

Now I am primarily a printmaker but have to confess that sometimes I really miss potting. There is something about clay......


Nude Platter
This is a piece I did in 1985. I always liked it and often wonder where it is. Is it being enjoyed?

Nude Bowl
Love serving salad in this bowl. It's a kick to watch expressions when we get to the bottom.


Fishmonger Plate
Back in 1980/81 I did the Pike Street Market a place that was full of life and weirdness.


All designs on this page are copyrighted by Barbara Patera. No images may be reproduced without written permission from the artist.  B.P.